What Happens to Students When They Experience an Exchange Abroad?

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What happens to students once they’ve experienced an exchange abroad? The obvious answer is that they get to see an amazing place somewhere in the world that they would otherwise probably not get the opportunity to travel to. Especially for those students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Of course, the Turing Scheme and Erasmus+ mobilities are for every student, regardless of location (Europe and the UK) or background.

Getting Away from Home and Make New Friends

The students who take part get to experience their time abroad with their group of friends from their class at school, college or university but they also get to meet other students from their destination country and make lifelong friends.

Never Worry – Teachers and Group Leaders On-Hand at Every Step

The teachers are there along with the TravelEdventures group leaders – so there’s nothing to worry about because if there’s a question, query or problem someone is on hand immediately to help with a solution.

See the Sights of Another Country and Experience Activities

Of course, there’s the added benefit of exploring another city and country and seeing all that’s on offer. Obviously, there are the magnificent sights, for example, the Colosseum in Rome, or the Vatican, or perhaps take part in Flamenco dancing in Spain – or visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

There are other activities too – such as wine tasting in Greece (for older students of course!), and diving into the Blue Caves in Croatia. There are a multitude of fantastic activities and other sights to see such as architecture, archaeological digs and more.

These are just a few to mention and the students find all of the above extremely exciting because it’s something they haven’t experienced before. That’s what Erasmus+ and the Turing Scheme are all about, learning something in another country, enhancing a CV and experiencing something completely different to what they might be used to in their home country.

In Summary

These types of international mobilities are all about widening horizons while gaining skills required in students’ own fields, as well as seeing how companies work along with other schools/colleges/universities abroad. Exchanges bring Europe together a little more which is also an amazing end result! So, if you want to take your school class, college class or university students abroad on an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme mobility, why not get in touch with the team at TravelEdventures to see what we can do to help you facilitate these remarkable experiences! It will change your students lives for the better. Contact our team here.
