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The Most Important Information to Consider About Erasmus+ for Parents

Written by Ines Affengruber | November 12, 2021

Before most parents give their children their consent to participate in an Erasmus+ internship in a distant country, their child’s school must first educate parents about Erasmus+. This is usually done at a parents' evening at school. The following blog summarises the most important questions and answers about Erasmus+, for parents.


Which students can take part in an Erasmus+ mobility project?

Pupils aged 16 and over who wish to complete a professional traineeship in one of the 28 EU Member States or in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Macedonia or Turkey can participate in Erasmus+.


What are the other requirements for participating?

See the points below:

  • Having a main residence in Austria with Austrian citizenship.

  • Pupils with their main residence in Austria and with foreign citizenship are allowed to participate in the programme but are NOT allowed to complete their internship in their country of origin. Persons without EU citizenship must comply with the respective visa regulations of the trainee country.

  • The minimum internship period is 2 weeks.

  • The maximum duration of an internship is 6 months.

  • Erasmus+ internships abroad in companies get supported. For the entire duration of any stay, a specialist internship must be completed in a company.

  • Funding for the EU Erasmus+ programme can only be used once per pupil during their entire schooling period.


What is being promoted?

The EU Erasmus+ programme is additional financing for the costs of a specialist internship abroad. The grant amounts to:

  • Travel expenses: as a lump sum - the decisive factor is the outward journey to the internship (which is measured from the location of the school).

  • Subsistence costs: as a lump sum - calculated for the duration of mobility and the cost of living in the destination country.

The daily rates and flat rates stated by the OEAD (Austrian Exchange Service Company) are indicative.


What evidence must be provided to obtain Erasmus+ funding?

  • Learning Agreement: a learning agreement signed by the host institution (this is the company in which the traineeship is to be completed), the school and the trainee.

  • Traineeship contract: issued between the host institution and trainee.

  • Confirmation of traineeship: proof after the end of the internship showing the duration of the traineeship, Europass and proof of mobility.

  • Sending the participant report: to the OEAD.

The above-mentioned evidence is mandatory for funding payment.


What is the Europass Mobility Certificate?

The Europass Mobility Certificate has a uniform structure throughout Europe and is considered to be a qualification certificate similar to a work certificate. It is signed by the reception institution, the school and the Erasmus+ trainee. The Europass proof of mobility in paper form is only valid if it bears the original signatures and stamps of at least one partner organisation.


What is in the participant training report?

At the end of an Erasmus traineeship, trainees are invited by e-mail to complete a participant report. It involves multiple choice questions about their Erasmus+ internship abroad.


Are language skills tested?

For an Erasmus+ mobility duration of one month, each pupil will have access to the online language tool "OLS-Online Linguistic Support"before the start of their Erasmus+ traineeship. A placement test for the respective working language is carried out both BEFORE and AFTER the internship and is used to measure linguistic progress. The OLS language test is used to analyse the language level in detail in accordance with the GERS (Common European Framework of Reference).


What should be considered with regard to insurance cover?

Erasmus+ trainees are not insured through school. Parents are obliged to take out adequate insurance cover (accident, sickness and private liability insurance). Erasmus+ companies require travel insurance.


Where can Erasmus+ funding be applied for?

Erasmus+ funding must be applied for directly by the school. To do so, an application must be submitted to the country’s respective National Agency.


What are the benefits of an Erasmus+ internship abroad?

With an Erasmus+ internship abroad, students demonstrate ambition, courage and willpower to do something for professional advancement. In an international environment, students gain professional experience, which helps them to mature. Read this blog article for more: What is a Typical Daily Routine During an Erasmus+ Stay? See also our Guide for Erasmus+ Funding Applicants or our Handbook for Erasmus+ Project Management & Execution.

This blog might also be important for you for the organisation of your Erasmus+ project: Required documents and deadlines for your Erasmus+ application.