How to Be More Open Minded

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If you’re about to embark on an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme adventure in a different country, perhaps one you’ve never visited before, then it’s really important to be as open minded as possible. Remember, you’re going to experience a different place, new people, food you’ve probably never tasted before and a culture that’s unlike your own back home. To get the most out of your trip, being open minded is essential. This article helps you to open your mind, be less judgemental and welcome the unknown so you get everything you can out of your study or work placement abroad.

  • Be Aware of Unconscious Bias

Many people have biases without even realising it! Being aware of your own biases will help you to challenge them and become more open to different ideas. When you’re in a new country, and you notice something that doesn’t sit comfortably or feels almost alien to you – don’t judge it! Accept it and interpret it differently. Your way of life back home is not the only way of life and one of the key initiatives of Erasmus+ and the Turing Scheme is accepting others, their beliefs and learning how to do things differently.

  • Think About The Other Person’s Views

You have your views, probably on everything and some people will agree with them whereas others won’t. Being open-minded means thinking about and accepting other people’s views and opinions. If you don’t agree with them, simply put yourself on the other side of the argument and try to see things differently. You may change your view, or you might not but you might be more accepting of a difference of opinion by trying this simple exercise!

  • Remember That Generally, People Have Good Intentions!

However different you are to the people you meet while on your mobility abroad, remember that almost everyone has good intentions. If something upsets you or doesn’t sit right with you, think about why it might mean something to the other person and consider their situation. Remember, sometimes people are not in the best mood or there might be other factors influencing them. Be generous with your interpretation and shrug off negativity without being judgemental. This may be hard to do but once you do it you’ll be delighted at the positive feelings it brings you!

  • Do Ask Questions

If in doubt, or you don’t understand something – perhaps a belief, a practice or a custom (or anything else), ask questions! Answers always help to lift bias and explanation makes such a huge difference. Once you understand the back story, you can piece together the meaning and that brings acceptance. The more you know, the more you understand.

  • Connect With As Many People As You Want

Connecting with people from different walks of life, different countries, religions and beliefs helps you to widen your circle and become more accepting. In fact, once you build a network of different people from other countries and ways of life, you’ll see that there are similarities too – you can learn from each other. This builds respect, tolerance and understanding, something the world needs more of! Again, don’t be frightened to ask questions as well, this helps build knowledge and it shows you are interested in others – always a bonus!

For other questions and information on an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme work or study placement abroad, get in touch with the team at TravelEdventures by clicking here.
