5 Great Reasons To Study Abroad

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Work and study programmes abroad have been popular amongst students and learners for decades.  The Erasmus+ programme has enjoyed much success since the 1980s, and the Turing Scheme (the UK’s equivalent) came into existence following Brexit, rapidly gaining momentum and getting bigger every year.  Both schemes offer tremendous opportunities for students and learners to explore what it’s like to live, study and work in other countries.  They also provide significant grants, which cover much of the expenses, such as living expenses and if you choose to go with TravelEdventures, you’ll get a full itinerary of brilliant activities to help you meet other people just like you and to get to know your host country.  There are so many reasons why a work or study placement abroad is the right decision for you – let’s dive in and hear about them! 

1. Learning a New Language

One of the biggest advantages of spending a significant amount of time abroad is language.  Home in on your foreign language skills and improve your ability.  This looks good on your CV and helps with future employability.  Spending a long time in another country will speed up your language knowledge, and speaking a different language every day is a better way to learn than in the classroom!  A good tip is to take a language course while you’re on your placement, to help really build up your knowledge.




2. Connecting With New People and Networking

Another very good reason to work or study abroad is connection.  We live in a much more connected world and that’s so important, especially in terms of career opportunities.  Making friends with people in other countries could lead you to new places.  Who knows what they’ll do in the future and perhaps they’ll bring you along with them too.  Working for another company abroad, as an intern, could lead to full-time employment or other opportunities in the future.  Build up your network while you’re abroad and as a tip, go to as many get-togethers as you can, you never know who you’ll meet and where it will lead you! 

3. Tolerance and Understanding 

No matter where you go to work or study abroad, you will find differences compared to what it’s like back in your home country.  You may be somewhere that practices a different religion, or there’s a new culture to get to grips with, perhaps the food isn’t similar to what you’re used to or just the general way of life.  All of the above are good things to experience and build tolerance and understanding in what is now very much a multi-cultural world. The more involved you get, the more you’ll understand and it’s interesting to discover new ways of thinking and doing things. 

4. How to Be Flexible and Grow Management Skills 

Often, working abroad (and studying too) helps you to develop new skills such as management skills (time management, delegation, patience, listening etc).  Flexibility is another very important skill that you will learn while being a broad for an extended period of time.  For example, you will likely live with complete strangers, and you’ll have to learn to adapt,  to be flexible so that you all co-habit peacefully.  You’ll also become more independent as you have to think on your feet and learn to budget, cook for yourself and generally look after yourself.  Many students find themselves working and living abroad for the very first time, away from family and friends.  We know that the students who travel with TravelEdventures come back as well-rounded young adults! 

5. Better Employment Opportunities 

We know for fact that employers greatly value international work and study experiences.  We also know that one in three Erasmus+ students undertaking an internship abroad go onto be hired by their host company.  We also know that former Erasmus+ students experience far greater long-term employment than those who don’t undertake an international experience.  Plus, any CV with international experience listed will be read over and above the CVs that don’t! 

Final Words 

We hope that the above information will persuade you that a work/study placement abroad is the right decision for you.  Don’t forget to get in touch with our team to discuss how we can build the perfect Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme mobility abroad, click here to chat. 

