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What is an Erasmus+ Letter of Intent?

Written by Sara Beltrami | April 2, 2022

You’ve heard about the Erasmus+ letter of intent – or LOI – but you’re not sure exactly what it’s all about. We’re going to tell you all about it!

An Erasmus+ letter of intent is a document that’s created between a prospective student and education or learning facility abroad and details the finer print surrounding the agreement. It is not a finite agreement – and often, an Erasmus+ letter of intent will include information that states the agreement will only be accepted if financing has been secured by one, or both parties involved. It might also include a deadline date, and if that date was not met, the agreement would fall through.

Usually, one party will create the letter of intent but before it’s signed, the other party will be able to amend it or draft a different letter of intent. The aim is that by the time the agreement is made, everyone is clear about the intentions, as outlined in the letter.

The benefit of a letter of intent is that it gives both parties protection and underlines the seriousness of the agreement. In fact, an Erasmus+ letter of intent offers significant protections to both parties. It forces each side to take the deal seriously, prevents wasted time and effort, and provides legal recourse if one party harms the other during the process of negotiation and closing.

Please find an example of an Erasmus+ letter of intent

(please indicate the name and role of the person that will sign the letter and the complete company address with email and phone number)

< full name of student>

We accept to consider one or more students selected by the University of xxxx for a possible placement in our enterprise/company/organisation. The length of the placement will be between 2 and 6 months. The exact period will be defined in the student’s Learning Agreement if accepted.

The length of the placement will be between 2 and 6 months. The exact period will be defined in the student’s Learning Agreement if accepted.

We understand our obligations will be:

- to host the students for the agreed period and to monitor their work through

cooperation with the University of ………..

- to provide practical support if required;

Travel expenses and accommodation for the trainees will be covered by the EU student

mobility grants and co-financed by the University of …….. On our part, we approve the

mobility scheme and declare to contribute to its correct development, offering the

necessary resources in terms of materials, facilities and tutor.

Name in print:

Stamp of Organisation





I hope we could give you an idea of what a Letter of Intent is and how it looks like.