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What Are the Best Steps to Take When Developing Your Erasmus+ Project?

Written by Emma Crossick | May 30, 2024

You’re possibly reading this because you’re about to embark on your very first ever Erasmus+ project for your students – and maybe you don’t know how to get started! At TravelEdventures, we’re the Erasmus+ experts, so let us help you with our top tips on developing an efficient Erasmus+ programme for your students.

Define Your Project Goals

As with any project, you need to define your project goals. Within this stage, you should consider the following:

  • How many students do you want to send on an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme mobility?
  • What are your participants’ profiles – and this means what sector of education do they work in, what type of internship do they want to do and it which field (e.g., tourism, hospitality, IT management, construction, hairdressing etc.).
  • Where do you want your Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme mobility to take place – what cities excite you and your students? Do they have the right type of universities and colleges for your students’ needs? Perhaps gather two or three destinations that tick your boxes.
  • What will the duration of your Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme project be? As a general rule, they’re usually around 2, 3 or 4 weeks long. However, that’s not to say you can’t have longer placements. As your Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme projects grow, over the coming years, so can your projects’ duration.

TravelEdventures’ Pro Tips

When you’re starting out with an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme programme, there are some great tips to help you navigate the process:

  • Only involve a small team at the planning stage. If you involve too many people, it becomes harder to manage, and you might find you end up in the same place as you started!
  • Get help – don’t struggle on your own. There are lots of experts out there. For example, at TravelEdventures we have access to many retired teachers who’ve done these types of projects before. They can help you to get your project started and expand it further.

A Few Final Words

Once you’ve arranged your first Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme adventure you’ll find that the pressure eases and the next one will be easier to manage. Make notes along the way and when you’ve completed the process, create a document with clear steps for next year. Please also speak to us, we’ve been doing Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme programmes for over 2 decades, we’re also the very best at what we do and have thousands of happy students, teachers, educational institutions and companies as testimony to our strong reputation. You can contact our team by clicking on this link.