TravelEdventures – Find Out About Our Unique Selling Points (USPs)

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We’re often asked why we stand out against other companies that offer a similar service to what we do at TravelEdventures, which is specialising in designing and delivering outstanding Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme work/study placements abroad. We genuinely do stand out from others – and our USPs (unique selling points) show you how we do that:

Our German/Austrian Work Ethics

Our clients enjoy our meticulous attention to detail, a can-do attitude and our extraordinary efficiency! This means no stone is left unturned when working with every single partner. We strive to do more – always going the extra mile so your Turing Scheme or Erasmus+ experience is second to none! Over-delivering is part of what we do – and that’s why we’re stronger than ever, twenty years after first opening our doors to our very first Erasmus client.

Our Long-Term Client Relationship Outlook

We don’t take on a client for a one-off Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme trip – our aim is always to keep our clients for years on end. So, you’ll find that when you use our services, you’ll carry on partnering with us for many, many years. We start small too – we’re never too ambitious, as we prefer to get your first trip 100% spot on. Then, the second year of our partnership brings bigger groups to different destinations and the third (and subsequent) years mean more groups, more destinations and funding that’s secured so on in the process that you don’t have to think about the costs.

Our Ability to Pull Teams Together Quickly

We always spend additional time and money to keep our clients happy and as we have teams on-the-ground in most destinations, we can quickly pull together teams when necessary. We’re also able to work cross-borders, for example, if necessary, the team in France can quickly assemble themselves in Italy and help our Italian team (and vice versa – this is just one of many similar examples).

We’re Able to Act Very Fast When Necessary!

We like to view ourselves as the First Responders for urgent situations with regard to work and study abroad programmes. We are often asked to “fix” the problems of other Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme projects that haven’t gone to plan, or the company doing all the background work has ceased to exist, leaving their partners without anyone to lead their mobilities. When that happens, we are the best people to get in touch with, we’ll pick up where you left off and ensure your trips are still as valuable and successful as possible.

We Offer More than 30 Destinations in Europe and Beyond

No other company offers that amount of destinations and some of our destinations are particularly exotic too!

We Can Accept Payment Flexibility

Due to our longstanding business and our commitment to our customers, we are able to offer flexible payment schemes so schools, colleges and universities pay us when they can, as long as there’s an agreement in place.

We are the Largest Provider for Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme Trips in the World

Being the largest provider of Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme projects, we can offer the biggest and best mobilities. We also get contracted on the largest projects, for example, through governments, NGOs or some of the biggest schools that receive funding.

We Offer Our Own Types of Accommodation

This means we have full control over the quality of our clients’ stays and that means if there’s a problem, we can act fast to rectify it! We even have our own hostel in Malta, which is also the best-rated hostel in the country too. So any of our groups visiting Malta will always have an exceptional stay!

Want to find out more about what we can do for you? Click here to get in touch with one of our team.
