Blog | Travel Edventures

Top Advice for Students and Learners Off on an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme Adventure

Written by Emma Crossick | March 6, 2025

Congratulations – you’ve been accepted to go off on a wonderful Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme work/study placement abroad and no doubt you can’t wait!  What lays ahead is a period of exceptional growth, you’ll find that you develop independence, meet different people, make lifelong friends, learn and get ahead of the competition by improving your future employability.  For some, travelling abroad may well be for the very first time, for most these types of placements are the first time away from friends and family for an extended period.  No matter – you’ll be absolutely fine, and with our top advice tips below, you’ll be well-prepared too.

1. You Understand More Than You Think 

Going abroad to a foreign country is thrilling but if you’re not an expert in the language, you might think you won’t understand others.  Actually, the opposite is true.  Language is a barrier for sure but there are other ways to communicate.  Through doing things with other people (like being at a party and having fun – that’s universal!), to hand gestures and just trying to get by using translation apps or by pointing.  Listen, look and learn, some of the best relationships begin just by feeling something wonderful – even if each person doesn’t understand one word the other says! 

2. Falling in Love is Great – But Don’t Let it Take Over Your Experience 

Some people meet their future partner on a work or study placement abroad.  Others enjoy being single and have some flirtations while away from home.  Whatever you do, don’t feel you have to meet someone, get romantic with someone and don’t lay yourself open to heartbreak.  Enjoy your experience, go visit the places you want to visit, eat the food you want to eat, go to the parties you want to go to – don’t be held up by anyone and live life on your terms.  This is your moment; it won’t last forever, and it is something you’ll carry with you forever.  You don’t need to fall in love to make it perfect! 

3. Don’t Expect to Live Like You Do At Home 

You are going somewhere different so be prepared for everything to be different.  From your schedule to your routines, to your accommodation, your food, your studies, your university and your friends.  Throw off how you live at home and make a mental note to live life differently, you’ll gain better perspective of what it’s like to be in another country by not comparing it or expecting it to be the same as it is when you’re at home. 

4. Don’t Overthink It! 

If you’re invited to do something – go and do it.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so anything that comes your way, make sure you make the most of it.  If you have to study, then you of course need to make time to get to your books but if you’re feeling a little lazy, or nervous or you simply can’t be bothered to get up and go out, put those feelings on hold and do whatever it is you’ve been asked to join in with.  It will be worth it, you’ll experience something different, maybe meet new people, see more of your destination city and add even more fabulousness to your Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme work/study placement abroad. 

5. Don’t Just Party On! 

While there’s a huge social aspect to Erasmus+ and the Turing Scheme, it is not just one, long party.  You’re there for many reasons, to study, learn, experience a different country, meet new people, see other cultures and to enrich your knowledge.  Parties and social events have their place but get out – see the heritage sites, visit the natural beauty of your destination city and country, go to concerts, the theatre, the movies, parades and more.  If you don’t live it, you haven’t really experienced it! 

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