Blog | Travel Edventures

Spotlight on Ljubljana

Written by Emma Crossick | June 18, 2024

Travelling to another country to work or study is something that every European student should do! Not only does it give you the remarkable opportunity of discovering a new way of life, experiencing a different city and the chance to meet wonderful people but it also brings greater chance of better employability. That’s because employers recognise Erasmus+ qualifications and often select job applicants with foreign work experience over and above other applicants. So it’s well worth considering and with so many hundreds of thousands of successful mobilities – Erasmus+ continues to prove its worth as a reputable work and study placement scheme.

When you’ve decided you’re going to study or work abroad through the Erasmus+ scheme – the next step is to choose the perfect destination. With so many incredible places to explore, this is never an easy task! In our Spotlight series, we give you an overview of some of our most popular stays. We’ll focus on Ljubljana, Slovenia in this piece.

Ljubljana is Reasonable in Terms of Cost

The cost of living in Ljubljana isn’t cheap but it isn’t too expensive either, however, this city is more expensive than others in Eastern Europe. It’s somewhere in the middle but if your heart’s set on this amazing city then we’d recommend organising your accommodation before you arrive. Booking in advance could save you money and sharing with others will also reduce the cost. The average student spends around 400 to 500 Euros on shared accommodation.

To reduce the cost of living in this city, when you arrive get involved with the student associations in your respective university. You’ll get vouchers and discount codes that you can use when you’re out and about. Students tend to frequent the bars and clubs as you’d expect – and we have it on good authority that a couple of their favourites are the Top Six (for amazing views of the city too) and Cirkus.

Culture in Ljubljana

When you travel abroad, it’s important to immerse yourself in the cultural side. Ljubljana has many festivals throughout the year, including art and gastronomy. One of the most eye-catching festivals is the Street Art Festival which usually takes place during the last week of June, first week of July. If you’re an avid foodie, Restaurant Week takes place in the Spring and Autumn, where you can enjoy a fabulous Slovenian (or other) meal for less than the regular price – great for students on a budget! The type of food you’ll enjoy while in this city includes Karst Prosciutto, Carniolan Sausage, Obara Soup and Prekmurska Gibanica – a national dessert.

Do visit the National Museum of Slovenia to discover more about the city and country’s history. If you like modern art, there’s the MG+MSUM which pays homage to contemporary artists. If you’re a ballet lover or partial to classical opera, schedule a visit to the Slovenian National Opera and Ballet Theatre and you must visit Ljubljana Castle. This major historical landmark was built circa 1200 and boasts extraordinary architecture.

Furthermore – the landscapes are simply mesmerising. You’ll see remarkable views of the city’s mountains and lakes and it will come as no surprise to you to learn that the city was crowned the European Green Capital in 2016.

If you think that language might be a barrier, don’t worry! As with most European countries, English is widely spoken so you can improve your own English skills while feeling comfortable that you’ll be able to communicate with your Slovenian friends.

While you’re on your Erasmus+ in Ljubljana, don’t forget to visit the neighbouring countries – just take your passport! The country borders Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Italy. As it so happens, Slovenia often gets very hot in the summer so travelling to the coast for some beach fun is always a great day out. The capital is just 121km from the seaside area Piran.

Final Words on Erasmus+ in Ljubljana

So – as you can see there’s a plethora of exciting opportunity waiting for you in the Slovenian capital. From history to gastronomy, art to ballet, beach to mountains and more. If you feel like this city could be the right Erasmus+ match for you, talk to your university advisor or your school co-ordinator and apply for your Erasmus+ grant today. Contact our team for further information if you’d like to learn more.