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Can You Change Your Erasmus+ Course Once You Arrive At The Destination

Written by Emma Crossick | September 26, 2024

Despite all the planning possible and doing tons of research before you travel abroad on your Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme placement, sometimes, the course or university just isn’t what you expected!  So, what happens if you arrive, you get to university and start your course, but it doesn’t tick your boxes, or it simply isn’t right for you? Don’t worry – there’s a lot you can do, find out more by reading this piece by TravelEdventures.  We are the experts in organising and executing the most incredible Turing Scheme and Erasmus+ work/study placements abroad so we know exactly what to do! 

Have You Given Your Course a Chance? 

We say this because we’ve seen many students who spend one day at university in a new location and decide it’s not right for them!  When we talk to them, we always encourage them to give it a couple of weeks.  This is because it is impossible to make an informed judgement on day one and remember, you’re in a brand-new place, a different environment to your own home and with people you don’t know.  You need to allow yourself time to settle in.  If, however, after a couple of weeks you still feel the course or university isn’t right for you, then by all means start enquiring as to what you can do to change your course or educational institution to one that’s a better fit. 

Do You Just Want to Change Course or University? 

Next, what is it you want to change?  The course?  The university?  Or both!  Once you’ve decided, you can start to talk to people.  If it’s the course but not the university, start by talking to your representative in your host country and explain why you want to change.  Remember, there may not be space on another course so be prepared to compromise.  Again, if it’s the university, you’ll need to speak to your representative, but you can also start to make enquiries at your preferred university, to find out what is on offer, if anything. It will be your ”new” university that ultimately makes the decision on whether you can transfer and you’ll still need to meet their entry requirements for the course you want to do. 

What About Changing Your Subject? 

If you decide that the programme topic isn’t what you want to study, then talk to your university representative and explain what the problems are.  Some universities have university guidance counsellors, there to help you find the right fit for your level of education, and your qualifications.  They might be able to suggest an alternative subject. 

Visit the New University First 

When changing universities in your host city – go and see your potential new uni before you agree to make the transfer.  Going back to the first point, it could just be you haven’t had enough time to settle in and your new university won’t be much different.  So, take the opportunity to check it out first and only when you’re sure, make the change. 

Final Words 

Changing course and university can be done, so don’t think you can’t as,k and it won’t affect your Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme qualification.  Speak to your host university first, to see what might be available.   

If you’re a school, college, university or other educational institution looking for someone to help you build extraordinary trips for your students to study or work abroad, then we’d like to hear from you.  Click here to get in touch with TravelEdventures today!