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5 Ways Erasmus+ Changes Your Life for the Better

Written by Emma Crossick | October 3, 2024

If you’re considering an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme trip abroad then doubtless you’re conducting plenty of research into finding the perfect destination and the right course.  As the leaders in arranging Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme mobilities abroad, TravelEdventures can help you create the ideal opportunities.  There are so many brilliant reasons why a trip abroad on one of these types of work or study placements can make such a difference to your qualifications and future employability but there’s so much more too!  Read on to discover five ways that an Erasmus+ (or Turing Scheme adventure) can change your life for the better! 

1. An Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme Qualification Leads to Greater Employment Success 

That’s right – more and more employers look for international experience on their applicants’ CVs and we know that students with an Erasmus+ qualification get hired quicker than those who don’t.  Furthermore, if you do a work placement in a company abroad, many go on to offer their interns full-time employment at a later date.  So, if you want to get hired and get your career started as quickly as possible, an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme will help you climb that ladder faster than others who haven’t had the same experience! 

2. You’ll Create a Fantastic International Network 

Along with the above, while you’re on your placement abroad, you will meet so many new people, and these people will come from all over the world!  You’ll make lasting friendships and connect with high-powered individuals working at globally-renowned companies.  This is your chance to network and who knows where that might take you later on in life? 

3. You’ll Become Really Independent 

For most Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme participants, a trip abroad for an extended period of time in a foreign country will be the first time away from home without friends or family.  While this might seem daunting to you, it is a great way to grow as an individual.  You’ll have to live either alone or with other students, make your own decisions, manage your own money and time and this will really help you to grow your independence.  When you return home, you’ll find that you can cope with challenges far better thanks to your work or study placement abroad. 

4. You’ll Be More Open Minded 

For many Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme participants, travelling abroad will be for the very first time and spending time in another country living as a local will be very different!  You’ll try new food, learn a new language (or improve your language skills), meet new people and experience another culture.  You’ll find that you grow as a person, become more tolerant and understanding of another way of life.  This is only ever a positive aspect of Erasmus+ or the Turing Scheme and helps to stop judgement without knowledge. 

5. You’ll Develop Skills for Life 

From problem-solving to decision making and beyond.  Working and living abroad teaches you a whole new set of skills, you’ll have to be disciplined and responsible plus you’ll find you grow as a person, hopefully choosing to further your qualifications rather than spend all of your time partying (although you should definitely have some fun!).  Soft skills like learning how to speak to professionals, how to fend for yourself and how to be more curious are always invaluable, you’ll keep these skills for life. 

Final Words 

Want to find out more about an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme trip abroad?  Get in touch with our team at TravelEdventures to learn more about what we can do for your school, college or university.